Shabbat Services
Join us for Friday night davening on Friday, March 21 at 7:00 pm [note the change in time going forward] at The Chastleton (1701 16th St NW).
Join us for Friday night davening on Friday, March 28 at 7:00 pm at The Chastleton (1701 16th St NW).
Join us for Shabbat Morning Services on Saturday, March 29 at 9:15 am at Friends Meeting of Washington (2111 Decatur Pl NW). Kids programming will begin at 10:30 am.
Board Elections - VOTE TODAY
We are excited to announce the candidates for the DC Minyan Board of Directors in 2025! Members in good standing should have received an email on Sunday, March 16 from “OpaVote” containing a personalized link to the ballot and can cast their votes by TODAY, Wednesday, March 19, before 11:59 pm.
Click here to read about each candidate and to learn more about the Board of Directors, how candidates were selected, and the election process. Email exec@dcminyan.org with any questions.
Upcoming events and programs
Join DC Minyan and Hadar for a special Pre-Pesach Yom Iyyun on Sunday, March 23 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School (6045 16th St NW). R. Avi Strausberg will be teaching alongside her New York colleagues R. Aviva Richman and R. Micha'el Rosenberg. There will be learning for adults and kids alike! You can see the full details and register here.
Rabbinic tradition teaches that the coming of the Messiah will be preceded by years of famine, war, and sorrow. When the world is at its lowest, the rabbis offer us this kernel of hope: perhaps this is the beginning of redemption. Join us for a day of learning in which we'll explore the concept of "the beginning of redemption" and how this framework might ground us and provide us with hope in this difficult moment.
Thanks to everyone who completed our recent survey on DC Minyan’s programming! We're excited to share the detailed results of the survey and answer members' questions about the results and the process. Join us virtually (meeting link to come) on Monday, March 31 at 7:30 pm. Get ready for bar charts 📊 and donut graphs! 🍩
Get Involved
DC Minyan March Madness bracket groups are back! Join the Women’s Tournament and Men’s Tournament brackets on ESPN for free to compete against fellow Minyan members for the perfect bracket. Password for both groups is Geshmak. Deadlines are Thursday, March 20 (tomorrow) at 12:15 pm for the Men’s bracket, and Friday, March 21 at 11:30 am for the Women’s bracket. Prizes to be announced before games tip-off. May the best brackets win!
Whether you attended the Shabbaton or not, please fill out this survey, to give feedback to the organizers for future Shabbatonim!
Welcome Noam Kantor as our new Chinuch Chair! To join the subcommittee and help Noam identify Chinuch (education) opportunities for DC Minyan, contact him at chinuch@dcminyan.org.
Mazal tov to Rose and Gabe Kaptchuk on the birth of their daughter Tara Cobi Pollard Kaptchuk on March 5! You can sign up here to provide a meal for the family.
The DC Minyan community extends deep condolences to the Saxon family on the death of Frederica 'Freddie' Saxon—stepmother to Earl (Ester) Saxon, grandmother to Ethan (Deborah) Saxon, and great-grandmother to Liam, Rina, and Nora Saxon. Her funeral and burial took place on March 10 in Baltimore.
May Earl, Ester, their children, and their grandchildren be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Purim celebrations and made the holiday both festive and meaningful. For the Purim spiel script, written by Sarah Koralnik with help from Adam Szubin, click here.
We would especially like to thank the following community members who volunteered their time to make Purim a huge success:
- General Purim coordinators: Lianna Brenner and Daniela Nagar
- General Purim committee: Hannah Warshawsky, Sarah Koralnik, Divi Wilensky, Debbie Vishnevsky, Nicole Cox, Ahuva Sunshine
- Kids programming coordinators: Matt Mayers, Sandra Marks, Deena Fox
- Purim daveners and leyner: Benjy Braun, Adam Szubin, Jon Dine
- Megillah readers: Rabbi Miriam Liebman, Julia Zuckerman, Eliana Fishman, Miriam Szubin, Sarah Jacobs, Rabbi Atara Cohen, Deena Fox, Yael Nagar, Scott Greenberg, Rivka Friedman, Josh Klein, Sandra Marks, Talya Bock, Elliot Dine
- Gabbaim: Jon Dine, Benjamin Epstein, Adam Fineberg, Yael Nagar, Elie Peltz, Abby Wolfe
- Everyone who volunteered to set up, clean up, and ensure the holiday ran smoothly!
Thank you to everyone who joined the DC Minyan Shabbaton this past weekend. We would especially like to thank the following people for making it a huge success:
- Coordinators: Ben Rosenbaum, Beth Tritter, Maya Levisohn
- Volunteer committee: Abby Wolfe, Gabi Silver, Jordy Snyder, Mo Pasternak, Stephanie Schneiderman, Yael Nagar
- Those who ran programs: Hillel Smith, Colin Berkley, Jordy Snyder, Mo Pasternak, Zach Epstein, Adam Szubin, Julia Zuckerman, Abigail Romirowsky, Rabbi Atara Cohen, Eliana Fishman, Isaac Brooks Fishman, Micah Szubin, Andrew Birnbaum, Ari Givner, Benjamin Epstein, Ayelet Weiss, Reuben Jacobson, Eytan Deener-Agus, Eleanor Brosowsky, Noah Carnahan, Shai Romirowsky, Kaylin Bugos, Divi Wilensky, Noam Kantor, Ronit Kempler, Ayal Subar, Karen Toomasian
- Kids services leaders: Deena Fox, Yael Jacobs, Jack Zeitman
- Schleppers: Belle Davis, Dena Roth and Rivka Friedman, Hannah Warshawsky, Yael Nagar, Ilan Romirowsky
- Lauren Hoffman and Rachel Lipman for securing grants
- Everyone who donated to or sponsored elements of the Shabbaton!
Sat, March 22 2025
22 Adar 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayakhel
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, Mar 22, 7:03pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 22, 8:03pm |
Subscribe to our Email List
Sign up for our weekly email with upcoming events and Shabbat davening times.
Mitzvah List
The Mitzvah Volunteer List is there when community members need a little extra support, whether it's an illness, a new baby, or some other event. To join the team, or to let them know that you or a friend needs help, email mitzvah@dcminyan.org.
Participate in Services
Looking to lead davening, leyn, or give a D'var Torah, email gabbai@dcminyan.org.
As part of our continuing effort to maintain a strong and vibrant lay-led community, we encourage our members to sign up to volunteer this coming year in some capacity, including volunteering to host other members, planning or volunteering at one of our events, davening, leyning, or setting up/cleaning up Kiddush. Click to learn about volunteer opportunities.
Buy Wine; Support DC Minyan
If you shop at kosherwine.com (or judaica.com), use our affiliate link or select DC Minyan from the list of charities in their Give Back Program, and 5% of your order will be donated to DC Minyan.
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