High Holiday Davening
high holiday Melodies
Please enjoy these recordings of High Holidays liturgy, recorded in 2020 by members of the DC Minyan community.
Rosh Hashana
- First Day (Shabbat) Shacharit (recorded by Rivka Friedman)
- First Day (Shabbat) Torah Reading (recorded by Ariella Kurshan, Julia Zuckerman, Lara Chausow, and Naomi Michaelis)
- First Day (Shabbat) Musaf (recorded by Jeremy Kadden, with help from DC Minyan families)
- Second Day Shacharit (recorded by Rachel Hutt)
- Second Day Torah Reading (recorded by Beth Tritter, Chana Kupetz, Lara Chausow, and Stephanie Schwartz)
- Second Day Musaf (recorded by Jeremy Kadden, with help from DC Minyan families)
Yom Kipppur
- Kol Nidrei (recorded by Jeremy Kadden)
- Shacharit (recorded by Miriam Liebman)
- Morning Torah Reading (recorded by Yoni Bock, Ariella Slovin, Benjamin Epstein, Rebecca Murow Klein, and Akiva Fishman)
- Musaf, part one (recorded by Jeremy Kadden)
- Musaf, part two (recorded by Jeremy Kadden, with help from DC Minyan families)
- Mincha (recorded by Josh Klein)
- Mincha Torah Reading (recorded by Aaron Malinoff and Miriam Szubin)
- Neilah (recorded by Jeremy Kadden)
For those training to lead our High Holiday services, here are audio files (in wav format) with the Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur davening, including the nusach (melody/tune) and detailed instructions for service leaders.
Rosh Hashana Shacharit
- HaMelekh
- B'fi thru Yishtabach
- Shir Hama'alot
- Hatzi Kaddish
- Birkot Kri'at Shma
- Shma thru Amidah
- Rep First Para
- Yareti
- Zachrenu-Magen Avraham
- Atah Gibor-Y'shuah
- Mi Chamocha-El Na
- Atah Hu Elohenu
- Ta'ir-Ha'el Kadosh
- Adonai Melekh
- L'El Orech Din
- K'dusha
- Uv'chen-B'yamenu
- Uv'chen Tzadikim-Halleluyah
- Kadosh Atah-Karata
- Vatiten-Atah
- Elohenu-Hazikaron
- R'zeh-L'hodot
- Birkat Kohanim - Hashalom
- Avinu Malkenu
- Torah Service-13 attributes
- Ribon Kol Ha'olam-V'lishlam
- Shma-Leyning
- Ashrei-L'david Mizmor
- Uv'nuchoh Yomar-End
Yom Kippur Mussaf
- Misod
- Zachrenu-Magen Avraham
- Atah Gibor-Y'shuah
- Mi Chamocha-El Na
- Imru Lelohim
- Ma'aseh Elohenu
- Un'taneh Tokef-Dinam
- B'rosh Hashanah-Yibare'un
- Mi Yihyeh-Mi Yarum
- Ut'shuvah-HaG'zerah
- Ki K'shimcha-Ya'uf
- V'ata-Ein Kitzvah-V'Amar
- Kedushah-Elohechem
- Adir-End Kedushah
- Chamol
- Uv'chen Yitkadash-Midat Mishpat
- V'chol Ma'aminim
- First two Uv'chens
- Uv'chen Tzadikim
- V'yitnu L'cha
- V'timloch Atah
- Kadosh Atah-Karata
- Vatiten thru K'hilchatam
- Alenu
- Heyey Im Pipiyot
- Ochilah La'el
- Avodah Part 1
- Avodah Part 2
- Avodah Part 3
- Avodah Part 4
- YomTov Hayah Oseh
- Emet Mah Nehdar
- First half Martyrs
- Second half martyrs
- Vahaviyotim
- Shma Kolenu Thru Ki Rav Hu
- Ki Anu Amecha
- Ashamnu
- Mah Nomar
- Al Chet
- Mi El Camocha
- Elohenu...Melekh al Kol Ha'Aretz
- R'tzeh-Na'avod
- Modim-Britecha
- Uch'tov-Birkat Kohanim
- Sim Shalom
- B'sefer Chaim-Kulchem Hayom
- Hayom
- K'hayom Hazeh-End Repetition
- Kaddish
Wed, March 26 2025
26 Adar 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 7:09pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:10pm |
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