LGBTQ Inclusivity and programming
DC Minyan is an inclusive and welcoming community. Members of the LGBTQ community are actively engaged and encouraged to be involved in all aspects of DC Minyan, including participating in and leading tefillah (prayer), leadership, and social programming. We do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We gladly encourage LGBTQ couples to celebrate their smachot (joyful occasions), including engagements and aufrufs, at DC Minyan. Although DC Minyan does not conduct any type of marriage or commitment ceremonies ourselves, we would be happy to connect people who are interested in a Jewish marriage/commitment ceremony with local resources. Please email with any questions regarding LGBTQ issues.
Our LGBTQ Liaison works with other DC Minyan leaders to plan events with a specific focus on the LGBTQ community. These programs include social activities and events in collaboration with other LGBTQ groups in DC. The LGBTQ Liaison is also a resource for queer community members wishing to get involved with DC Minyan and/or celebrate an occasion at DC Minyan. The Liaison position is currently vacant, and interested individuals are encouraged to contact the Steering Committee to fill the role.
Tue, March 25 2025
25 Adar 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 7:09pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:10pm |
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Participate in Services
Looking to lead davening, leyn, or give a D'var Torah, email
As part of our continuing effort to maintain a strong and vibrant lay-led community, we encourage our members to sign up to volunteer this coming year in some capacity, including volunteering to host other members, planning or volunteering at one of our events, davening, leyning, or setting up/cleaning up Kiddush. Click to learn about volunteer opportunities.
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