DC Minyan Membership
Becoming a member is an important way to affiliate with the DC Minyan community. Membership affords DC Minyan attendees the opportunity to opt in formally and secure the financial security of the DC Minyan community. Members receive tangible benefits such as tickets and early access for High Holiday services and reduced rates for events, as well as intangible benefits such as support during life cycle events and the satisfaction of joining a vibrant Jewish community.
DC Minyan relies on its members to provide the services, events, and learning programs that sustain our strong and vibrant community. Because DC Minyan employs no professional staff, the membership funds we raise go directly toward DC Minyan’s significant ongoing expenses. The majority of DC Minyan’s funds go towards covering the cost of space rental for weekly programming and special events. Funds also pay for holiday programming, educational and social programming throughout the year, paying teachers and speakers, purchasing and maintaining ritual items, and providing materials for other DC Minyan events. All DC Minyan membership dues are a tax-deductible, charitable expense.
Our dues year begins in August and High Holidays tickets are included in the cost of membership. Members are billed for their dues prior to the High Holidays and those who join after Purim will have their dues prorated by half. We invite you to sign up for membership at any time during the year.
The dues listed below are anchor points for each category of membership. We welcome greater contributions from those who are able to help support DC Minyan.
Full membership dues:
- $380 for individuals
- $760 for couples
- Dues are halved for individuals annually making less than $45,000 or couples making under $90,000
- High Holiday tickets included
Under-26 (Young Professional) dues:
- $72 for individuals
- High Holiday tickets cost $36 per member per holiday
Children’s dues:
- $180 per member household
- High Holiday tickets included
- Not charged for associate members
Associate membership dues*:
- $120 for individuals
- $240 for couples
- Does NOT include High Holiday tickets
DC Minyan is an inclusive community and absolutely no one will be denied membership because of difficulty in paying. If you are unable to pay the listed dues, contact the Executive Officers at exec@dcminyan.org or finance@dcminyan.org to discuss modified dues. The Executive Officers and Finance Committee maintain strict confidentiality regarding membership dues, so please know that we respect your privacy and hope you will sign up for membership. Do not hesitate to contact the Executive Officers to discuss paying in installments, reduced dues, or additional concerns.
*Associate membership is intended for those who primarily belong to another religious community (e.g., out-of-town family and friends of DC Minyan members). Associate members are eligible for member pricing for certain DC Minyan programs and meals. Associate membership does not include High Holiday tickets or priority registration and member pricing for retreats, or other privileges, such as eligibility for various leadership roles or nominating privileges to the Board.
Please contact exec@dcminyan.org or finance@dcminyan.org with questions about paying in installments or reduced dues. Please contact membership@dcminyan.org with all other questions.
Sun, March 9 2025
9 Adar 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tisa
Shabbat, Mar 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 14, 6:56pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 15, 7:57pm |
Subscribe to our Email List
Sign up for our weekly email with upcoming events and Shabbat davening times.
Mitzvah List
The Mitzvah Volunteer List is there when community members need a little extra support, whether it's an illness, a new baby, or some other event. To join the team, or to let them know that you or a friend needs help, email mitzvah@dcminyan.org.
Participate in Services
Looking to lead davening, leyn, or give a D'var Torah, email gabbai@dcminyan.org.
As part of our continuing effort to maintain a strong and vibrant lay-led community, we encourage our members to sign up to volunteer this coming year in some capacity, including volunteering to host other members, planning or volunteering at one of our events, davening, leyning, or setting up/cleaning up Kiddush. Click to learn about volunteer opportunities.
Buy Wine; Support DC Minyan
If you shop at kosherwine.com (or judaica.com), use our affiliate link or select DC Minyan from the list of charities in their Give Back Program, and 5% of your order will be donated to DC Minyan.
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