Our activities are focused on the three pillars of the Jewish world: Torah (study), Avodah (prayer), and Gemilut Chasadim (social action/acts of kindness).
Parents & Kids
Lifecycle Resources and Support
LGBTQ Inclusivity and Programming
Chinuch (Learning)
DC Minyan values learning as a foundational way to celebrate and connect to Jewish tradition, to each other as individuals, and to our community. Through different kinds of learning and discussion, we connect with DC Minyan members in a way that complements our collective prayer and allows us to think through and elevate the complexities of our tradition, and enrich our daily lives.
The Chinuch Committee coordinates with community members to give a d’var Torah during services on Shabbat mornings and holidays. To give a Dvar Torah, please see this page.
Other DC Minyan learning events include two annual Lunch-and-Learn programs that bring our community together with scholars on a variety of exciting topics. We also host an annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot, which brings our minyan together for all night community-led learning.
DC Minyan also has an ongoing Mishnah Club, which is self-directed, chevruta-style learning of a few mishnayot a week at the same pace as others in the community.
If you are interested in the above opportunities, or would like to get involved in current or future educational programs, please email
As part of our efforts to be a welcoming community, DC Minyan helps match people looking for Shabbat and holiday meals with community members who are hosting meals.
If you are looking for a Shabbat or holiday meal, please contact the DC Minyan hospitality coordinators by emailing They will do their best to set you up with a host.
If you are planning a Shabbat or holiday meal, we encourage you to help make DC Minyan a more welcoming community by leaving available a spot or two for guests looking for a meal. You can email to let our hospitality coordinators know when you have additional space available at your meal on a given Shabbat. If someone requests hospitality that week, one of the coordinators will get in touch with you. Hosting a hospitality guest is a great way to get to know more people in the DC Minyan community!
Additionally, if you are generally willing to host guests, please email to be added to the DC Minyan hospitality list. The hospitality coordinators email people on this list occasionally when they are looking for additional hosts.
Please note that all home hospitality meals must adhere to DC Minyan’s kashrut policy.
Social Action
DC Minyan is committed to taking the values we talk about in study and prayer and putting them into action. The Social Action Committee works to harness our community’s skills and big hearts to tackle social justice and environmental problems locally and around the globe. If you have questions about the Social Action Committee and our programs, contact
Mon, March 24 2025
24 Adar 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 7:09pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:10pm |
Subscribe to our Email List
Sign up for our weekly email with upcoming events and Shabbat davening times.
Mitzvah List
The Mitzvah Volunteer List is there when community members need a little extra support, whether it's an illness, a new baby, or some other event. To join the team, or to let them know that you or a friend needs help, email
Participate in Services
Looking to lead davening, leyn, or give a D'var Torah, email
As part of our continuing effort to maintain a strong and vibrant lay-led community, we encourage our members to sign up to volunteer this coming year in some capacity, including volunteering to host other members, planning or volunteering at one of our events, davening, leyning, or setting up/cleaning up Kiddush. Click to learn about volunteer opportunities.
Buy Wine; Support DC Minyan
If you shop at (or, use our affiliate link or select DC Minyan from the list of charities in their Give Back Program, and 5% of your order will be donated to DC Minyan.
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