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Leading Services


Here are some guides on how to lead services including when to sing, when to chant, how to stand, and lots more:

Shabbat Davening Audio Files

Here are audio files (in mp3 format) with the Friday night and Shabbat morning davening, including the nusah (melody/tune) and detailed instructions for service leaders. We hope these will be valuable both to those who have led before and would like to review, as well as to those who are learning to lead for the first time. Thank you to Jeremy Kadden for recording these on the minyan’s behalf!!

Friday night services

Friday night services at DC Minyan begin with mincha (if starting before sunset) and then continue with Kabbalat Shabbat.

Kabbalat shabbat ends with Mourner’s Kaddish, and then depending on the practice of the minyan, this can be followed with a dvar Torah or text study (and then Kaddish deRabbanan).
Then maariv begins.

Saturday morning services

Shabbat morning services at DC Minyan begins with Mizmor Shir Hanukkat haBayit l’David (the first psalm of P’sukei d’Zimra).

Additional prayers

Reviewing these files alone is only one part of the process of learning to lead, so while we encourage those interested to make use of them, we are also happy to help facilitate learning in a one-on-one setting. Email us at with questions or for additional information about the service. You may also want to visit Kehilat Hadar’s website where you can find additional audio files that review the Shabbat morning davening.

Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785