Support Fellow Members
Making Meals and Supporting Fellow Members
DC Minyan members provide meals for each other during happy and hard times, as well as Shiva minyans, and other kinds of support. If you are in need of meals from the community, please email
Sign up below to see how you can help your community.
New baby meals:
Sign up to make meals for Kaptchuck family
Sign up to make meals for Deift–Seay family
Sign up to make meals for Fainchtein family
Sign up to make meals for Ast–Zimberg family
Bereavement support:
Mitzvah List
The DC Minyan Mitzvah List is an opt-in volunteer email list that is used to arrange food, logistical help, or other types of support during a challenging time. We encourage members to email if they themselves need help or if they know someone who does, whether because of illness, accidents, unexpected situations, or absolutely any other reason. Please click this link and fill out the form to be added to the Mitzvah List so that you receive requests for support when they come in.
bereavement support
Please email to let us know if you or someone you know has experienced a loss.
The Bereavement Committee supports our members through loss and mourning. This committee is responsible for coordinating shiva needs and general support when our members experience the loss of parents, spouses, siblings or children. A committee member will be the liaison for each individual mourner and will serve as the point-of-contact, assessing the mourner's initial needs and then checking in on ongoing basis. Learn more about what the Bereavement Committee does and how they can help.
Please email if you are interested in joining the Committee and for want more information.
Mon, March 24 2025
24 Adar 5785
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 28, 7:09pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 29, 8:10pm |
Subscribe to our Email List
Sign up for our weekly email with upcoming events and Shabbat davening times.
Mitzvah List
The Mitzvah Volunteer List is there when community members need a little extra support, whether it's an illness, a new baby, or some other event. To join the team, or to let them know that you or a friend needs help, email
Participate in Services
Looking to lead davening, leyn, or give a D'var Torah, email
As part of our continuing effort to maintain a strong and vibrant lay-led community, we encourage our members to sign up to volunteer this coming year in some capacity, including volunteering to host other members, planning or volunteering at one of our events, davening, leyning, or setting up/cleaning up Kiddush. Click to learn about volunteer opportunities.
Buy Wine; Support DC Minyan
If you shop at (or, use our affiliate link or select DC Minyan from the list of charities in their Give Back Program, and 5% of your order will be donated to DC Minyan.
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